work is only one third of what i do. the other third is sleep, since that’s about normal for humans. but the other other third is what this page is all about.
i am my best self immediately after a workout (during a workout is a different story). fitness is a huge part of my life, both on a personal and professional level. as a former coaching assistant and amateur boxer, i’ve always loved empowerment and inspiration through movement. many of my standout creative moments are at the top of a mountain, in the middle of a run, or through the catharsis of a punching bag.
perhaps at odds with my love of movement is my love of all things video games. i play them, i stream myself playing them, i write walkthroughs about them, i buy books about their lore and concept art. as you could probably guess by now, interactive storytelling is a media format i find fascinating, and sometimes consuming it just isn’t enough. which is why i make art inspired by my favorite video games. from pen-and-ink to acrylics, sitting down with some art supplies and a great playlist is my favorite way to decompress.